About DeSales Community Garden:
Established in 2021, the DeSales Community Garden, located at 1620 De Sales Ln. (DC Garden), is a place that allows all people, regardless of age or ability, to share in the joy of gardening. DC Garden is owned by 1620 DeSales LLC, an Ohio non-profit corporation (Owner) and is supported by the East Walnut Hills Assembly and DeSales Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation.
The DC Garden is an initiative to enhance the quality of life in East Walnut Hills and the surrounding neighborhoods by providing green space, education and fresh produce. DC Garden was funded initially with the support of a Safe and Clean Grant from Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, an Urban Agriculture Grant from the City of Cincinnati and with resources from the Civic Garden Center and the East Walnut Hills Assembly. The DC Garden also receives yearly plot rental fees from its gardeners (DC Gardeners) and welcomes donations from the East Walnut Hills and the greater Cincinnati community.
DeSales Community Garden Rules:
- The Coordinator will send notices, as required by the Rules, to current DC Gardeners, previous DC Gardeners, and applicants via the email address included in the plot application or as otherwise provided to the Coordinator. It is the sole responsibility of the DC Gardener or applicant to send a correct email or change of email address to the Coordinator. Once an application is approved by the Owner, the Coordinator will email directions to the applicant on how to submit payment of a plot fee.
- Guests and family members (including children) of DC Gardeners are welcome but must be accompanied by a DC Gardener and must follow the Rules. A DC Gardener is solely responsible for Rules compliance by guests and/or family members.
- Except for the 2023 Season, the DC Garden will open as early as the soil can be worked in the spring, but not before February 1, and will close in the fall on November 30 (Season). DC Gardeners may be present in the DC Garden during daylight hours only. Owner reserves the right to change the times and dates that the DC Garden is available for access to DC Gardeners, though access to the DC Garden shall not be unreasonably denied by Owner.
- A new plot application is required each Season. There is a non-refundable $20 fee per plot for each Season. No plot can be gardened until the plot application is signed and the plot fee is paid. DC Gardeners from the previous Season, who were not expelled for failure to comply with these Rules, will have the opportunity to renew their plots by January 31 for the upcoming Season. Owner reserves that right to deny a renewal to a DC Gardener who does not renew by January 31. All remaining plots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Based on plot availability, a returning DC Gardener or a first-time applicant may apply for a second plot. There is a limit of 2 plots per household.
- If a DC Gardener has not planted his/her/their assigned plot by Memorial Day, the Coordinator will give the DC Gardener a two-week notice to either plant or vacate the plot. After the two-week notice has expired, and a plot has not been planted, the plot will be reassigned and the plot fee will not be refunded.
- DC Gardeners are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their plots. If a plot is neglected or otherwise not maintained, as determined in the sole discretion of Owner, the DC Gardener will receive warning notices from the Coordinator. After the DC Gardener has received two warning notices, and one week has passed after the second notice has been sent, the plot will be tilled and reassigned.
- The Coordinator will give all DC Gardeners the lock combination for the water tap, shed and the gate to the DC Garden. The combination is to be kept confidential and the tap and shed must be locked after every use. If the DC Gardener is the last person to vacate the DC Garden, he, she or they must lock the gate when leaving. Failure to keep the combination confidential will result in immediate expulsion from the DC Garden. Failure to lock the tap, shed and/or gate may result in immediate expulsion; provided, however, that the Owner may give the DC Gardener one warning notice rather than expelling immediately. If, after Owner has provided notice rather than expelling immediately and the DC Gardener fails a second time to lock the tap, shed and/or gate, the DC Gardener will be expelled. Notice of any expulsion will be provided by the Coordinator.
- Only organic insecticides and fertilizers may be used in the DC Garden. If a DC Gardener has any questions about a product he/she/they is considering, or needs recommendations, the DC Gardner should email the Coordinator. This will ensure the plots are healthy for future DC Gardeners.
- Large plants, bushes or trees that would significantly shade or impede on other plots may not be planted in the plots. DC Gardeners may not move plants or take vegetables from other plots without permission of the DC Gardeners assigned the other plots. Only common areas marked as such are free for harvesting by DC Gardeners. Any plants that a DC Gardener plants, that are deemed invasive under the sole discretion of Owner, will be removed by the DC Gardener within one week of notice being provided by the Coordinator to the DC Gardener.
- All DC Gardeners must complete 12 hours of volunteer work in the garden common areas per Season. This can be done during planned volunteer days at the beginning of a Season, at the end of a Season, or it can be done on a DC Gardener’s own time. Volunteer work includes weeding and maintaining the pathways and common areas, collecting trash and turning compost. Upon completion of volunteer hours, the DC Gardener is solely responsible for sending a list of completed volunteer hours to the Coordinator.
- Failure to follow any of the DC Garden Rules by a DC Gardener or his/her/their guests or family members, as that failure is determined in the sole discretion of Owner, will result in expulsion from the DC Garden and a forfeiture of plot fees. Notice of expulsion will be provided by the Coordinator.
For questions or more information contact the DC Garden coordinator (Coordinator) at desalescommunitygarden [at gmail [dot] com or use our contact form.