Would you like to see our neighborhood implement a residential parking permit program?
Due to the positive developments in East Walnut Hills, finding available parking spots has become a challenge for many residents, especially those who rely on street parking. A residential parking program should help solve some of these difficulties.
Facts about the program:
The program must be approved by at least 60% of the households in the district. Only one signature per house-hold allowed. You may sign the petition in favor of the program even if you do not intend to purchase a permit, or even if the program will be of little use for you personally (but may improve the quality of life for your neighbors).
Sign in favor now if you think you would like the program in the future.
If supported by the required percentage of households, parking zone signage would be determined after approval by City Council.
Streets being considered for implementation:
Business District:
5pm to 2am restriction
- All Clayton
- Moorman (Clayton to Taft)
- Hackberry (Madison to Taft)
- Burdette (East half)
- All Myrtle
o North side unrestricted
o South side 24 hour restriction
Historical Area South of East McMillan:
7am to 5pm restriction
- Grandview
- Ashland
- Upland
Permit availability:
- A maximum of two resident permits per household can be purchased per year. The yearly permit costs $30 each. The half-year is $15.
- Residents can purchase one full-time visitor pass for $30 per year or $15 per half-year.
- An unlimited number of temporary visitor passes, valid for 2 weeks from the date of purchase, can be purchased for $5 each.
- The resident permits and visitor passes are non-transferable.
The petition will be available during our Assembly Meeting, where neighbors will be able to answer questions about this proposal. If you cannot attend this meeting, please contact us to arrange signing the petition.